NZ Government Agencies Providing Internship and Graduate Opportunities
Agencies Involved (previous and current)
Below you can find information about each of the government agencies previously involved in the Analytics & Research in Government programmes.
A range of agencies are involved in providing both internship and graduate opportunities. Details for each specific agency supporting an intake are outlined when applications are open. The overview below and links to further information provide you with insight into previous supporting agencies.
Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment
- Hīkina Whakatutuki
The Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment is focussed on growing New Zealand for all - 'Grow' relates to economic performance. To achieve the standard of living and quality of life for today and for future generations we need a well-performing economy through productive and sustainable use of resources across New Zealand.
‘For all’ means all people have an opportunity to participate in and benefit from the economy.
These aspirations are echoed in our Māori identity – Hīkina Whakatutuki – which broadly means ‘lifting to make successful'.
Ministry of Justice
- Tāhū o te Ture
The Ministry of Justice work with the judiciary and our justice sector colleagues to help make sure New Zealand is a safe and just society.
The Ministry of Justice does this by delivering people-centred justice services to provide access to justice for all New Zealanders.
New Zealand's justice and legal system protects individual rights and freedoms, sets out what is unacceptable and the penalties for breaking the law, and enforces the rules around how our country is governed.
Ministry for Primary Industries
- Manatū Ahu Matua
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) helps to seize export opportunities for our primary industries, improve sector productivity, ensure the food we produce is safe, increase sustainable resource use, and protect New Zealand from biological risk. Our work stretches from paddock, orchard, forest and ocean, through the processing, packaging, and transportation system, all the way to market, and ultimately to consumers worldwide.
Oranga Tamariki
Oranga Tamariki is a Ministry dedicated to supporting any child in New Zealand whose wellbeing is at significant risk of harm now, or in the future. We also work with young people who may have offended or are likely to offend.
We support children, family and whānau to restore their mana, their sense of self, their important connections and relationships, their right to heal and recover, and reach their potential.
Ministry of Social Development - Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora
Manaaki tangata, manaaki whānau
MSD helps New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent. We strive for New Zealanders to get the support they require, be resilient and live in inclusive and supportive communities and participate positively in society and reach their potential.
MSD is all about helping to build successful individuals, and in turn building strong, healthy families and communities.
Ministry for the Environment
- Manatū Mō Te Taiao
We are the Government’s primary adviser on environmental matters. We also have a stewardship role. This involves taking a long-term perspective on environmental issues when making decisions. Our Ministry was established under the Environment Act 1986. The Act requires us to think broadly as we develop our advice.
This means considering the:
intrinsic values of ecosystems
values people place on the environment
principles of the Treaty of Waitangi
sustainability of natural and physical resources
needs of future generations.
We’ve wrapped this into the simple purpose statement for the Ministry: He taiao tōnui mō ngā reanga katoa – a flourishing environment for every generation.
Reserve Bank of New Zealand
- Te Pūtea Matua
Te Pūtea Matua, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, acts to promote the prosperity and well-being of New Zealanders. We do this by promoting a sound and dynamic monetary and financial system, which best supports a sustainable and productive economy.
So much of our work programme and future impact as NZ’s central bank is enabled by quality data, analytics and insights to inform decision-making. With an increasing demand for data internally and externally we’re excited about the opportunities ahead for clever and curious minds to truly make a difference with us at a pivotal time.
Social Investment Agency
We seek to improve outcomes for people through the systematic, consistent, and rigorous use of data and evidence to invest earlier and more effectively.
We lead the implementation of social investment and provide cross-sector insights to decision-makers to improve people’s lives.
We are a stand-alone central agency and we report to the Minister for Social Investment who sets the priorities for the portfolio and agrees the Agency's work programme.
Ministry of Education
- Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga
The Ministry of Education is the Government's lead advisor on the New Zealand education system, shaping direction for sector agencies and providers.
Our purpose is to ensure every New Zealander:
is strong in their national and cultural identity
aspires for themselves and their children to achieve more
has the choice and opportunity to be the best they can be
is an active participant and citizen in creating a strong civil society
is productive, valued and competitive in the world.
Stats NZ
- Tatauranga Aotearoa
Stats NZ Tatauranga Aotearoa is New Zealand's official data agency.
As New Zealand’s national statistics office, Stats NZ is uniquely positioned to support the decisions that the Government, Māori and Iwi organisations, businesses, NGO’s and ordinary New Zealanders make every day. We collect information from people and organisations through censuses and surveys and use this information to publish insights and data about New Zealand, and support others to use the data.
Financial Markets Authority
- Te Mana Tatai Hokohoko
The Financial Markets Authority – Te Mana Tātai Hokohoko – regulates New Zealand's financial markets. We stand for a strong and trusted financial sector that treats people fairly.
Our statutory duty is to promote and facilitate the development of fair, efficient, and transparent financial markets; and to promote the confident and informed participation of businesses, investors, and consumers in the financial markets.
Ministry of Health
– Manatū Hauora
Manatū Hauora, Ministry of Health, works across the health sector to deliver better health outcomes for New Zealanders. We lead New Zealand’s health and disability system, and have overall responsibility for the management and development of that system.
Our values of Manaakitanga, Kaitiakitanga, Whakapono, and Kōkiri ngātahi are particularly important as we lead the Aotearoa’s COVID-19 health response. We're excited to have fresh, innovative voices join us in this challenge - and provide you the opportunity to develop your data, analytics and research skills.

“Having been an employer of ARG interns for 3 years, I cannot recommend this programme highly enough. The talent, enthusiasm and willingness my interns brought to their roles was fantastic. Of the 6 people who worked for me, one contracted to me for 6 months after the course ended and one became a permanent employee. This is a great opportunity for both government agencies and interns interested in working for government.”
Dr Antony Kennedy, Senior Manager Stats NZ Tatauranga Aotearoa (formerly at MBIE)
“Our team benefited from the enthusiasm and dynamism of a new graduate, and our graduate benefited from the network of fellow graduates in the programme”.
Mike Webb, Manager Stats NZ Tatauranga Aotearoa